Surrey Docks Angling Club Rules, U.K. Laws & Southwark Council Bylaws MUST be followed at all times.
Surrey Docks Angling Identification cards and valid Permits/temporary cover permits MUST be carried by any member while fishing on SDA waters.
A valid EA licence must be carried upon each and every member at all times while fishing.
Common Curtesy - Respect your fellow Anglers, the environment and your surroundings at all times. The SDA waters are situated in residential areas and you must behave in an appropriate manor while fishing and representing the club.
Anglers are permitted to fish from designated fishing areas ONLY!
Appropriate unhooking mats, landing nets and fish care kits MUST be carried by all anglers at ALL times when fishing. (An unhooking mat that is designed for bream or tench is not adequate when fishing for carp and is unacceptable.)
Live baiting of any nature is strictly forbidden.
Anglers are only allowed to fish for 48 hours on any one water. No return to that water within 24 hours unless approved by the committee.
All swims must be kept clean & clear of litter at all times. Any litter must be taken home with you & disposed of appropriately. Litter in your swim even if it not yours will not be tolerated.
Keep nets are only allowed to be used on SDA matches.
Barbless hooks only.
Transferring or moving fish is forbidden.
All captures of carp or specimen fish are required to be reported as part of the club conservation preservation programme.
The use of a retainer sling is only permitted with prior permission from an official SDA bailiff or committee member. When/if permission is obtained only one fish is allowed to be retained in a single retainer at any one time.
All fish are to be returned in a safe and humane manor.
Any fish that are dead or in distress MUST be reported immediately to the SDA bailiffs, SDA committee or the south docks harbour master’s office. (Contact details can be found on the SDA contact page.)
Unprepared particles are strictly forbidden.
No more than TWO fishing rods can be used at any one time on any SDA water. (feature finding and spodding rods are exempt from this rule.)
Braided main line is ONLY permitted when fishing for predator species only (pike, perch, zander) and ONLY when used with a flurocarbon leader.
Fixed leads are strictly forbidden.
Back leads are strictly forbidden!
Pre-baiting of swims is permitted but does NOT entitle any member exclusivity or the right to fish any such pre-baited swim or area. The use of bait boats is NOT permitted on any Club Waters.
All rigs must be able to break apart in a fish safe fashion in the result of the mainline breaking. or becoming snagged.
When fishing towards snags you must fish locked up and you are NOT allowed to leave your rods while you are fishing.
Anglers can only leave their rods and equipment unattended in a swim for maximum of 20 minutes and rods must be reeled in with rigs unbaited. Any unattended rods/equipment will be removed by SDA Bailiff’s and places at a secure location until collected.
No Angler is allowed to leave their rods unattended while fishing for any reason.
Surrey Docks Angling reserves the right to refuse membership to any person/s.
No open fires.
Membership runs from the dates specifically stated over under any circumstances. Members will have one month in which renew their memberships. After this date the books will reopen for any person/s that are on the SDA waiting list or wish to join as new members. Once our membership is full no more will be issued and you will have to wait for a place to become available before being able to re-join the club.
Any member/s who are caught fishing out of bounds will receive an instant ban from all SDA water for the remainder of that season plus a further 12 months. As well as a ban the offender/s may be issued with a fine of up to £1000 in accordance to the laws & bylaws of Southwark council. Anyone caught poaching Could be fined the maximum penalty of £1000 and prosecuted. They will also receive a lifetime ban from all club-controlled waters.
Failure to comply to any rules of SDA will result in membership being revoked immediately. Membership fees paid to SDA will not be refunded. A ban maybe enforced where the committee see fit.
Anyone caught in breach of the rules and/or in the company of anyone that is in breach of the rules without informing the bailiffs/committee will be deemed “as guilty by association?”
The rules printed in this book was correct at the time of printing. It is the responsibility for all members to stay up to date with any rule changes or updates brought into effect by the SDA. Updated rules can be found on the club website.
Canada Water Specific Rules
Baiting up from the pagoda while fishing on Canada Water is permitted but by hand or catapult ONLY.
Fishing is allowed from the boards ONLY.
Entry to the wild life/nature area is forbidden.
Fishing is permitted from individual swims only.
Junior Members
Children under the age of 16 are NOT allowed to fish on their own under any circumstances and must be accompanied by an adult at all times when fishing.
Juniors are allowed to fish with one rod only. There are no exceptions to this rule.